

  • 2 x optical inputs
  • 4K/3G-SDI/HD-SDI/SD-SDI/ASI outputs
  • Compact portable design
  • External PSU


4 x 3G-SDI demultiplexor


BlueNanologo 4 x 3G-SDI demultiplexor

The BN366 carries four independent 3G-SDI signals over two fibres to give transparent high performance 4K links.

Each BN366 multiplexes two separate wavelengths or services onto each fibre. Each wavelength is independent.

In the case above four signals are being transmitted in one direction over two fibres.


Electrical Input
Standards SMPTE 424M, SMPTE 292M, SMPTE 259M,
Equalisation Automatic to 100 m @ 3 Gb/s
Automatic to 200 m @ 1.485 Gb/s
Automatic to 300 m @ 270 Mb/s
Connector 1 x 75 Ohm BNC to IEC 60169-8 Amendment 2
per channel
Return Loss > 15 dB @ 1.485 Gb/s
Format Reclocked
Optical Output
Connector 2 x female ST as standard per unit
Wavelength 1310 nm, 1550 nm,
Optical Power -3 dBm @ 1310 nm (typical)
Optical Input  
Connector 2 x female ST as standard per unit
Wavelength 1270-1610 nm
Sensitivity > -22 dBm @ 3 Gb/s (typical)
Max I/P power > -1 dBm
Electrical Output  
Standards SMPTE 424M, SMPTE 292M, SMPTE 259M,
Automatic rate selection for 3G-SDI, HD-SDI and
SD-SDI data rates.
Connector 1 x 75 Ohm BNC to IEC 60169-8 Amendment 2
per channel
Return Loss > 15 dB @ 1.485 Gb/s
Signal Level 800 mV +/- 10%
DC Offset 0 +/- 0.5 V
Format Reclocked
General card specifications
Depth: 134 mm
Width: 109 mm
Height: 30 mm
Weight: 200 g
Operating Temp: -30 to +70 ºC
Power: 2.5 W
Voltage 4.5 to 17 V dc
EMI/RFI: Complies with 89/336/EEC, EN55022B,
EN61000-4-2, EN61000-4-4-(Level 2), EN61000-4-4FTB,
EN61000-4-5, EN61000-4-11
Electrical: Complies with EN61000-6-1, EN61000-6-2, EN61000-6-3,
Laser Safety Dependent on SFP fitted.
Complies with Class 1 laser product
RoHS: Complies with Directive 2002/95/EC
Warranty: 5 years


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BN366 Series Datasheet Datasheet PDF Open Download

Ordering Information

BN366T/S/4T/ST Singlemode Quad Channel 3G/SDI, HD/SDI Fibre Optic Transmitter Module,
Auto-Sensing for SDI, ASI, HD/SDI and 3G/SDI.
Fitted with 2 x ST connectors for dual fibre output (1310 and 1550nm). .
PS12 power supply ordered separately
BN366R/S/4R/ST Singlemode Quad Channel 3G/SDI, HD/SDI Fibre Optic Receiver Module,
Auto-Sensing for SDI, ASI, HD/SDI and 3G/SDI.
Fitted with 2 x ST connectors for dual fibre input (1310 and 1550nm). .
PS12 power supply ordered separately.In aluminium enclosure 134 x 109 x 30 mm with internal WDMs built-in for dual fibre I/O

Contact us

Unit 2, The Quadrant, Howarth Rd, Maidenhead SL6 1AP, UK
+44 1628 510055,